This is NOTICE that the AGM of the Club will be held on Monday 11th July 2022. It will take place during the Charity Cheque Dinner event at The Slow Boat Restaurant. [Details and booking details for the Dinner will be sent to you, under a separate mailing, in due course.]
The AGM Agenda will be as set out below. The President’s Report and the Statement of Accounts will be emailed to you in the week commencing 27th June ‘22.
1. To receive any apologies for absence.
2. To receive and adopt the President’s Report for the year ended 30th April 2022.
3. To receive and adopt the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 30th April 2022.
4. To elect Officers for the ensuing year. The Executive Council will be making the following proposals:
President: Julie Mogan (Excello Law)
Vice-Presidents: Chris Macdonald, Philip McCormick, Ian Morris, David Pickering, Martin Seed, Jonathan Slater, Ron Smith & Eddie White
Chairman: Roy Shelton (DropJaw Ventures)
Vice-Chairman: Jan Chillery (Aaron & Partners)
Honorary Treasurer: John Ierston (UHY Hacker Young Co Chartered Accountants)
Honorary Solicitor: [To be notified]
Secretary: Bob Clough-Parker (BCP Organisation)
5. To announce the result of a ballot to elect two Members to fill vacancies on the Executive Council. [Please click the button below to see information regarding how to make a nomination for the EC]
6.To transact any other business relevant to the AGM. NOTE: Notice of such business should be sent in writing to the Club Secretary, CBC, PO Box 235, Chester CH1 1JZ – or by email to [email protected] – to arrive not later than noon on Monday 27th June 2022.