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09 July 2020

Free Mental Health Webinar for Chester Business Club Members

On Wednesday 29th July 2020, 4pm, Chester Business Club will be hosting a Mental Health webinar, provided by Chapter, which will be free to all of our members.

This 30-minute webinar will introduce you to the steps you can take to ensure your workplace supports mental health.  Whether you have 200 employees or are self-employed, being mental health aware and pro-actively supporting mental wellbeing is essential to business success.

According to research cited by Mental Health First Aid England, 91 million working days are lost in the UK, at a cost of approximately £30 billion a year, due to mental health issues.  There is an additional loss of around £15.1 billion a year from ‘presenteeism’ – when staff go to work but are unwell. Stress and mental ill-health are the 2nd and 3rd highest-ranking causes of long-term absence from work. 

In this webinar, you will:

  • Be introduced to the signs of stress, anxiety and depression
  • Become aware of simple steps you can take to support mental wellbeing
  • Be signposted to additional steps you can take and further sources of support

Chester Business Club Members can sign up to the event here.

Chapter are happy to offer this webinar free of charge to Chester Business Club members, but as they are a charity, they welcome voluntary donations from participants, to help support more people and communities in our region. You can donate here.

Please add “Chester Business Club webinar” in the comments when you donate. Thank you!

About Chapter

Chapter is dedicated to improving the lives of people experiencing mental ill-health

In addition to our dedicated one-to-one support to individuals (over 150 people in West Cheshire every year) and community groups, we support businesses with a range of tailored and accredited mental health workshops and courses to support them in improving their knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing.

Chapter is a registered charity originally set up in 1991 as a result of collaboration between people experiencing mental ill-health and health professionals. We are funded from a variety of sources, including National Lottery funding, donations, trust and foundation grants, and local authority statutory grants & contracts.  We also receive trading income from business training and consultancy work.