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22 September 2021

Club’s annual Golf Day raises thousands for Charity

Chester Business Club held its 2021 Charity Golf Day at Eaton Golf Club on Thursday 16th September, courtesy of Simon Dangar (Chairman, Eaton GC).

Organised by Bob Ellis (Chairman, CBC Golf Committee), the event saw a record 23 teams taking part.

The Excello Law team won the Stableford Trophy in a keenly fought contest with an impressive 93 points, on a count back from Addhire Car & Van Hire and PFPS Wealth Management.

The Bespoke Mortgage & Protection Team took the Connectus Solutions Putting Competition also on a count back.

Club chairman Roy Shelton said, ‘We are much indebted to Bob Ellis for organising such a splendid and enjoyable day’s golf and Awards Dinner.’

The Club has donated £2000 to MIND, the Eaton GC Captain’s nominated charity, and £2000 will go to the CBC Charity Purse in support of local charitable causes.

Charity Golf Day - the winning team - Excello Law

Charity Golf Day Winning Team – Excello Law