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30 November 2018

Chester Business Club is most certainly ‘Open for Business’!

It was a full house at the Abode Chester for the second Chester Business Club ‘Open for Business’ evening, on Wednesday 28th November 2018.

The ‘Open for Business’ events were created to enable business owners and senior managers to meet the Club Members and find out more about its ethos, vision and mission for charity, business and retail in the Chester area.

Guests were greeted on arrival with sparkling wine and canapes and introduced to other attendees to encourage informal networking and business relationships.

Club Chairman, Patrick ‘Paddy’ Gill, gave a welcome address and explained the history of the prestigious club and its role in Chester today.

Bob Ellis, Executive Council Member, gave a rousing speech about what membership has meant for him and how the Club wishes to step up its role in shaping the future of Chester commerce. Chester Business Club Members have already been crucial in the successful negotiations and decisions made about the Northgate Development project.

Trystan Lewis of Griffin Wealth Management spoke of the Club’s reputation and how he still felt like a ‘new member’ after 5 years, as so many others have been members for around 30 years! This, he said, is testament to the valued and trusted relationships that business people have formed as Club Members, over the years.

Bob Clough-Parker, Club Secretary, gave an itinerary of forthcoming events – a mixture of networking, charity fundraisers and exclusive evenings, such as a speaker dinner hosting Nigel Farage and a Members-only trip to the House of Lords.

The Abode’s new General Manager, Craig Phillips, who had kindly hosted the evening, welcomed the guests to the hotel. Together with Julie Swinnerton, Executive Council Member and future Chair, the prize raffle for a five-course taster menu with a flight of wines and a talk from a wine expert (valued at £180) at the Abode’s fifth floor Brasserie, was drawn. The lucky winner was Carol Stewart-Gill Chairman of Dublcheck!

Several attendees expressed an interest in becoming a member, bringing fresh support and ideas into the Club. With a clear vision and steer from its Executive Council, the Club is set to increase its status and influence in further important decisions facing Chester’s future as ‘The Business Voice of Chester’.

If you are interested in being a part of this forward-thinking Club, please contact us.