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20 August 2021

Chester Northgate Update – Temporary closure of Hunter Street

Latest news from the Chester Northgate project team

To provide space for a large crane to operate safely and complete the construction of the new multi-storey car park, pictured above, it will be necessary to close a central section of Hunter Street to all through traffic from 4th to 24th September.

At the same time, the closure will enable several electricity, water and gas ducts to be laid across Hunter Street into the Chester Northgate scheme, reducing the need for further closures in the future.

As a result of the Hunter Street closure, Northgate Street will operate as a two-way traffic flow during the closure with exits via Canal Street and the Fountains Roundabout. Pedestrian access
along the full length of Hunter Street will remain open during the closure.

In order to reduce the number of vehicles using Northgate Street, a traffic marshal will be positioned at the northern end of Northgate Street (at the junction with George Street and Canal Street),
between 10:30 and 16:30 Monday – Saturday, to ensure access only traffic is allowed.

In addition, to ensure that two-way traffic can use Northgate Street and obstructions can be minimised, loading will be prohibited on Northgate Street between George Street and Hunter Street, Monday – Saturday between 10:30 and 16:30 other than in the lay-by outside Chez Jules, where the current restrictions will remain in place.

All other current restrictions in the vicinity, including city centre access via the Town Hall bollards will remain unchanged during the Hunter Street closure. See plan overleaf for more details.

Chester Northgate Update - Hunter Street closed

Half-way through drainage tunnelling

Work on the new surface water drainage tunnel is progressing well, with over 400m now complete. Further works to complete the chambers and internal fixtures are underway.

Chester Civic Trust

We were pleased to show members around the site, and are grateful for their support over the past 30 years from the scheme’s original inception.