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26 October 2020

Helping Chester Businesses to survive, thrive & revive

To paraphrase Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a crisis like Covid-19 concentrates the mind of every business person and, indeed, every representative business organisation – and Chester Business Club is no exception.

With the restrictions imposed by Government and its medical/scientific advisors, it meant that, overnight, the Club’s normal activities were brought to an immediate stop. (All Club events – Speaker Dinners, Charity Ball, Golf Day, Charity Walk, Ladies’ Lunches etc – have had to be postponed until 2021.)

The impact of the damaging virus has seen the Club respond significantly, to the needs of helping to protect Chester’s economic welfare as well as creating a raft of professional support for Club Members.

Adopting the mantra of Survive, Revive & Thrive, the Club further strengthened its communications with members (via regular newsletters and Zoom meetings with prominent individuals as guest speakers) as well as with other business groups and the Local Authority.

The Club has also established closer links with Chester CH1BID and the Cheshire Business Group, as part of the ambition to create a meaningful ‘Voice for Business’.

The Club has been a sole or co-signatory in letters to the Prime Minister, to CWAC and to local MP Chris Matheson seeking urgent ‘Covid’ help for Chester businesses.

Two campaigns have also been led by the Club: firstly to save Storyhouse Theatre and, secondly, to have the recently introduced (and heavily flawed) Bus/Cycle Lanes withdrawn.

CBC was also pleased to be involved, by writing directly to the Prime Minister, in the campaign calling for Chester Zoo to be allowed to re-open. The latest Club initiative is the ‘Buy Local’ campaign, urging all local businesses to support Chester shops, restaurants, pubs and services, especially in the run-up to Christmas.

You can read more about it here