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04 November 2021

Police and Crime Plan for 2021-2024

A message from John Dwyer (Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire) – Launch of Police and Crime Plan 2021-24:

I am pleased to announce the launch of my Police and Crime Plan for 2021-2024.

This Plan outlines my vision and aspirations for delivering on people’s priorities for tackling crime in Cheshire, from dealing with low-level anti-social behaviour to high-level organised crime and emerging issues like cyber crime. It also sets out how I plan to support victims of crime, deliver a modern police service, and ensure that Cheshire Constabulary reflects the diverse communities we are proud to represent.

The Plan details how I will hold the Chief Constable to account in delivering all of the above and more. With the strategic direction for the Constabulary now set, I will be scrutinising performance so that the public can have confidence in their police service.

Ensuring this Plan reflects the priorities of Cheshire residents and key stakeholders has been paramount, and it has undergone significant development since it was first published for
consultation. The result is a Plan that delivers on the promises I made in my manifesto and fully encapsulates the policing and crime needs that people and organisations have raised
with me.

The six key priorities for policing and crime in Cheshire outlined in the Plan are:

. Prevent and tackle crime

. Make Cheshire’s roads safer

. Deliver justice for victims of crime

. Protect vulnerable and at-risk people

. Improve public confidence in policing

. Modernise our police service

One thing that has not changed since I first published the draft Plan earlier this year is my commitment to increase police officer numbers in Cheshire to their highest level in modern
times – 2,345 officers – in order to ensure visible policing and improved public confidence.

I have made clear my intention to refresh, consult on, and republish this Plan each year, so that it continues to represent the policing and crime needs of people in Cheshire. It is a living document that will change along with the policing and crime landscape, and as the priorities of the people of Cheshire change.

Consulting with the public and having the greatest possible insight into policing and crime in our communities will be vital in order for me to effectively carry out my role and deliver on
the priorities in the Plan. Starting on Monday 8 November I will be conducting a countywide survey, delivered to every household in Cheshire. This survey will ask people about their experience with the police, crime in their community, their views on the police budget, and how they view their police service.

I am always open to people’s thoughts on the Plan and I would welcome your views on the direction I have set out at any time.

I look forward to working with you to deliver on the policing and crime priorities of people in Cheshire.

View the Police and Crime Plan 2021-24 here.